Sunday, July 19, 2009


So instead of the word "caution" the all to familiar word on the road sign will always make me think of ACTION.... Thanks to my wonderful roommate!
I do think that there are moments in our lives where action is more called for than caution. It is sometimes better to have a plan and act upon it. We can't go around our whole lives being utterly cautious. Faith requires action, Charity requires action, most good things in life come from some action we have performed. (Most, hmm maybe all!) I think that if we don't act upon those moments and do something good, we lose a great opportunity for growth and added power. I do think there are more things in my life that require some action.... but how to go about it?! I guess that's where a plan helps! (I'll get on that!)
This week I definitely had some moments of action! I decided to go hiking up Timp with some wonderful people from my ward. (Super amazing ward activity! thought I'm not sure we were very well informed!) I do think I was under-prepared for what I was about to partake in. This hike as it turns out isn't just a simple easy day hike... nope it's actually pretty intense. I am so proud of all who went on this hike, whether they made it all the way to the top or not. I definitely didn't make it to the top... bummer. (next time for sure!) I do have to say that with as little preparation I had I did a pretty swell job. I accomplished something, that made me feel incredible. :D what more can one hope for!?

I also finally took a little action, with the help of a friend, and made a better attempt at following up and looking for a job. I think it has paid off. I still have a lot to do, especially this week, but I know things will work out!

Earlier this week I was about to go to the temple and I couldn't find my temple recommend. Yep.. ouch. I looked everywhere I could think of... I even prayed that I'd be able to find it. Well.. it was a no show... I ended up getting in that evening with a member of the bishopric and then the stake president to get a new temple recommend. It was a wonderful experience. I love being able to say in front of a judge of Israel that I have a testimony, and that I know my savior lives. It's a super powerful moment! Strengthening....Well, wouldn't you know it, the next day when I went to get ready for the temple I found my old temple recommend stuffed in a pocket of my skirt... ya the one skirt I wear to the temple that has pockets... and I didn't even look there! Ha, wouldn't you know it! But looking back I think that it was important for me to have those interviews... I needed the experience to remind me how important having a temple recommend is, and also how blessed I am. There were reasons for it, not only for my benefit, but for the benefit of others. God knows what He is doing. :D

I have been learning a lot lately about myself, about my relationship with God... and all in a variety of ways. It's incredible the many things and ways we can learn through the spirit.

I am now going to make a plan for my next course of action. I have some decisions to make that could really be important... decisions I thought I had already made but all the same I have been getting small tugs telling me to think things out more carefully and prayerfully. So no more putting it off ...Time for ACTION!
Here are some sweet fotos from the hike...


dixon.mary said...

The same thing happened to me last week! Except I found my recommend in my wallet -- where I always keep it, behind my Smith's card. Bummer. At least I have it again.

Great post.

Anonymous said...

Melisa, Wow, how many was are their to say how amazing you are! I love you and I have to say how proud I am of you! Taking action is hard, caution is often sooooooo... much easier! (Go figure; stupid devil!) I love you, your such a great example... this just makes me to want to be more like you, in every, "Good" way! :D

Melisa Grace said...

Ohhh Elyse I really do love you. Thank you. I'm so glad you're my sister.