Tuesday, May 7, 2013


I'm so happy to be a primary teacher. I am so much in love with my ward and my callings.
I had an experience with a couple of the three year olds as I was teaching. I was talking about the resurrection and trying to help them understand that if somebody we loves dies we will be able to see the again, and be with them again because of the resurrection. I shared with them in some simple terms about my dad dying, and that I knew I would see him again and be able to hug him again because of the resurrection. A couple of them (the ones paying attention) got quiet, and came over to me and wrapped their little arms around me. It was one of the sweetest tenderest moments I have experienced. I am so very grateful for my knowledge of the gospel, and for a loving heavenly father who puts me exactly where I need to be so I can gain the experiences and tender mercies necessary to make it back to him. I'm so grateful for all that I am learning. And I seem to be in need of learning...cuz it just keeps coming.

1 comment:

Heather Dixon said...

That made me tear up :) Primary is the BEST calling...those kids have taught me so much.