Friday, September 7, 2012

Apartment Approved!

We've applied and been accepted! What a good feeling! Here are some pictures of the amazing apartment newness that Elyse and I found. We love it! Everything has worked out so well. God does answer prayers. If you can't tell I'm super excited. I love newness. I'm one of those people who will re-arrange furniture just because I'm bored with it and want a change. I look forward to this change and to the opportunity to meet new awesome people, and serve others and make friends. Oooh! And DECORATE!!!! I'm excited!! We will keep you updated on the adventure we are getting into, and if anyone wants to help us move.... we will let you!


Melisa Grace said...

Haha have fun tilting your head!

Melisa Grace said...

Haha have fun tilting your head!