Wednesday, November 3, 2021

And it all blows up...

Apparently I made a mess of things. I bought a lemon of a trailer to fix up, for us to live in, after insisting that the right thing for us to do is sell our house and get out of debt. And the I hired someone to remodel, who isn't capable of remodeling- more like just decorating.... I felt led and directed by God in both instances... And nothing is working out. Why? Why would God lead me to such a disaster? I don't get it. I just don't. I thought I was following the spirit, getting personal revelation, leading me to goodness and solutions, to something better, to peace and out of debt... 

None of this feels good, or like a solution- more like a huge mess- that's just explosive, the more we try to do the more of a mess we find. I'm so so frustrated.